Thursday, January 12, 2006

Larry King transcript

Here's the transcript from Larry King Live, with James Frey as the guest. I don't really have much more to say about this guy, other than that I think he's a bullshit artist who has set himself up for a bestselling career of "fiction" from here on out. His whole argument on the show seemed to be that it's a "very small portion of the book that is being disputed," so what's the big deal?

I guess the fact that millions of readers bought his "memoir" with the implicit understanding that the main character is actually a real-life person whose actions are realistically portrayed in the "story" isn't a big deal.

On a side note, for those that are interested, I'm looking to publish a short work of non-fiction detailing my experiences last night. I got good and loaded on Colt 45, mixed in large amounts of horse tranquilizers, went out and stole a cop car for a little joyride, and then gave myself a DUI.

Cuz that's how I roll.


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