Tuesday, January 10, 2006

a million little pieces . . . of bullshit?

For all you charter members of Oprah's Book Club, here's a couple of stories on James Frey, the author of A Million Little Pieces. The newest addition to Oprah's hallowed club has been touted as "a riveting tale of real-life horseshit"(1) and "an amazing addition to the steaming piles of donkey feces that have become so popular of late"(2).

This is a good example of someone trying to sell his annoying, self-pitying memoir to the American public because he's too scared to write fiction that is acknowledged as such. No one would read Frey's work if it was "fiction" beacuse then it would just be melodramatic crap. But if it really happened . . . why the hell not? Oprah likes it!

(1) Me
(2) Me


At 4:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Posts: 1

well kids hes anew revalation for you.First of all its eather True or Not.I think Bush uses this technique very well DAMN LIES!..but if its said ''plainly''and it only steals a few million dollers,and hurts a few Hundred thousand people.I just completed a ''Memoir''Called ''After the Blood.''Its about serving a 6year sentance when I was 18 In the Federal Pen.Meeting and becoming Good friends with Assata Shakur,being in a writers workshop in rikers Island.and being published with her many times their after.My first sniff of Heroin was given to me at 12 years old.In nyc.Im from Harlem NY.In those days the men and women would stand on the corners with''popeye''arms swollen and distorted by the Quinine burns Ulsere and Oozing with an infected Soul,and Society.AMemoir''is somthing you remember as happening.But you dont Yank a hunk of Lies off from a block Imagination at your discression.as its Betrail.I read the Bookand the fist fewlines I jnew it was Lie.First off,Ive Been in Many a shooting Gallery.from the lower eastside with writer Miqueal Pinero to Harlem with people from the old Dutch shultz crew nikki bonds.and I asure you Crack feinds especially.do not put anybody on a plane.!Junkies around drugs are like Stockbrokers around Money.the Moment itss GONE.there gone.to.and the more messed up you are ie,passed out ''OD ed'' they get out faster than if someone yelled ''BUHANDO''(the cops)It was s dry boriing book,all he did was vomit an vomit and Vomit.An IV for Dehydration surely in a Doctor staffed Facility/?..Duh! .and so on.The Problem with A MLLION LITTLE PEICES .Is that the Population he chose to exploit.have some Very Real detramental Problems to Conquer...like the endless wait until a drug clinic opens up.of course by the time it does.you life has changed upside 22 times!the Harsh Drug laws.Rockafella laws)the life style dangers from homlessness to cops Cracking you in the head.ToAIDS and HepC/TB etc.That Poulatin needs help.Not a little Punk surburban kid.that I he went in the Places he ''Imagined''hed been In.Hed Hear at Knife or Gun point''Gimmie yo Money WHITEBOY.And hed Give it.He would!!I would.But hes the ''Politics''of the ''GAME''I read how OPRAH was dooped/conned and Lied to.I felt bad.Especially when I went to the ''Huffington post website''and someone posted twice.Time for OPRAH to close her legs smells like ''Fish''.So I went to her website,To offer her a releaf from the massive databasses of Insult.To offer her a Creative Challenge.I thought in the back of my mind''how unique''I d offer the Public my brand new Hot Street tale.off the Press of the REAL story,of it Give People the Truth.and let them Compare.and have the Public who was ''Crying...like OPRAH and staying up nights..boo hoo ing.Read It and see how much they got from my manuscript.as some people said the Lies did ''somthing''positive for them.Well.In the Book club forum they Deleated my post3times.the first time they emailed me saying we get a lot of emauls and cant respond to them all..THE OTHER TWO I watched as they dissapeard befor my eyes Censorship at its Best..Now I know I thought why her audence is ''ILL''informed..Keep in the Dark not right.whereas the ''Black bloggers Allience.Wanted to Post Right away..And as you look around it..the Book cover still has the advertising sticker''OPRAH BOOK OF THE MONTH''in 4 or 5 different parts of the site.talks etc.surley i thought this was a Mistake.As OPRAH of ALL people ''CARES'' about people like I was at 18...and ''CRYED'' with Freys ''Pablem babble ''Surly shed Care about all the People that would gain from my true story.of suffering from a 15 year old drop ot Harlem 12 yearold addict Convict.Which all could be documented.To mother paramedic/Published author/and Mental healthworker.How did I do it.a story of Great INSPIRATION the ''memoir''is about the Journey.the Growth of it all.But alas''Mama''O had me feelin like ''HARPOS Wife in color PURPLE'' I WAS FEELIN MIGHTY LOW MISS SEALY''....MIGHTY LOW hear id come to the Aid of ''my sister'' How DARE Somone take advantage of ''Oprah''she was one a poor little blackgirl like me.But apparenty forgot where she came from.So My point is Ita Commercial ploy to buy more books it a ll about Money.Not Pride Sadly Money you can get anywhere but you cant make fools of the cops.Or People that struggle just alittle to Be BS'ed.Money tight.and the white house got enough lies keep the Public in a Hypnotic Complacent Slumber,soon anythings goes.so what!I persoanlly want a Refund.Im not one of OPRAHS generic housewives,From ohio., with hand drawn sign screaming at the crack of Dawn we love you OPRAH,Im a Afrosentric Blackwoman that has Much Pride and Love for my Culture.And as hard as things are for People of color.hard to wher ther is Rededemtion/Rehabilitation/or reparation.it’s a dangerous World with the tools that the Government Gives the ''Hood''to fight your way out with.Im ashamed of her.Im embarrased for her.Frey..Id expect that from him..hes just a common dude low on talent.and real experences. Not oprah. they had a Money promotion dealI suspect..,, ''Rain or shine'' she left me Feelin'' mighty low ms Sealy...Mighty Low.and I felt with her like that ''Bobby Seale'' Selling Bar B Q Sauce (that’s just what blck folks need more of ! No wonder ''Dr,Huey P. Newton'' Had to Dull his Mind Cocaine Cocktails and sadly Sucombing to the Violence of the Streets,the the Panthers that I was in and out of Like a Revolving door in the Harlem Chapter.That he Founded tried to Save us From..Carolyn baxter is a Recipient of Natl.Endowment of the Arts Grant.author of ''Prison Solitary and other Free Government Sertvices(Greenfeild Reveiw Press) and a ''Spoken rap artist''Her Cd''Put your Rhyme where yo Revalution is'' will be out in the Fall of 06. rapstock.textamericia.com


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