Adam and Eve and the Snake
Wow. Talk about a book that's bound to be banned from every school in Texas. And probably a bunch of other states, too.
The Garden, by Elise Aidinoff, details the Garden of Eden story from the perspective of Eve. And let's just say that this version of Genesis portrays Eve as a little more . . . comfortable . . . with the Snake than she is with Adam.
The Guardian has an interesting look at Aidinoff and her book. I'm amazed that this book was even published, but I guess I shouldn't be too surprised by the publishing industry's willingness to support controversial books. Still, I have a hard time seeing how a "young adult" book like this has any chance at reaching the kids it's aimed at -- those brought up by Christian families and are familiar with this biblical tale. It will be interesting to see how this plays out in the coming year.
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